The Autumn Teneyl Catalog is finally printed and possibly arriving in your mailbox. Therefore, I now feel free to share some of my favorites and not spoil the surprise.
My nephew Cian (Key-In) was born this past Monday in the comfort of home. My sister had a fairly enviable birth...easy labor until it's not...a wonderful midwife...and a when the time to push arrived it only lasted 15 minutes and Voila! a beautiful baby boy.
It has only been 4 years since I had one on my own this small but the miracle of life never ceases to astound me. To start as a cell and 9 months later to come out a complete and perfect human being. The perfect synthesis of nature and energy.
This is the final cover for the Luna Claire Fall/Winter Catalog. I will let the suspense build before I show you the whole catalog! I did both photography and the layout for this one... If you are a Music Festi-a-Farian you can keep a look out for Amir and his booths full of fresh, fun and funky clothes.